How to set up an Enterprise

The first step to unlock the functionalities of the system is setting up your Enterprise.

Enterprise Tab

To set-up an Enterprise, go to the "Enterprises" tab in the system's menu. During your first login, you have been automatically added to the "Data Lake" Enterprise.

In this tab, you will later also be able to manage your Enterprises.

Creating a new Enterprise

To proceed, click the "Add" button in order to open an enterprise configuration dialogue!

Wallet Connection

If you hold enough balance of $LAKE tokens, you can connect your wallet here. To do so, click the "Connect your ERC-20 wallet" button, after which pop-up with wallet selection will follow.

You will need to sign an message authorizing Data Lake App to prove the ownership of your wallet. This is gas-less and no transaction will be executed.


Your Enterprise will be activated, if you hold at least 10.000 LAKE tokens in your wallet.

If you remove the tokens from your wallet your Enterprise will be deactivated!

Once your wallet was successfully connected, a pop-up will confirm this. This pop-up will display only if you are eligible for an activation.

Users eligible for activation cannot have any other enterprise activated through holding $LAKE tokens and must hold the required amount of $LAKE.

To finish the activation, please fill in the registration data of your Enterprise, including the Tax ID number and address. You also have to accept the Data Processing Agreement.

If you did not connect your wallet, you can proceed to the next step, but your Enterprise won't be activated automatically. Please contact Data Lake for more information.

Congratulations, you've just set up your Enterprise! Click on the "Go to the App" to go back to the system and check out functionalities unlocked!

Last updated